Heritage Register
James Bay
119 Oswego Street (ex-102 Oswego St)
Heritage-Designated 2000
For: George & Mary Maidment
Builder: attributed to George Maidment

119 Oswego St is a twin of 117 (see description). However, this house was altered in the late 1990s with a front porch and window details not original to the house. The porch and windows have now been restored.
1901-08: Catherine and Joseph Maynard; Catherine Hayler, born in Dundee, SCT, came to Victoria in the late 1880s. She married Joseph in 1886 and died while living at 133 Oswego in 1920 at 78. Joseph was born in Cornwall, ENG, in 1840. He arrived in Victoria via Cape Horn on the SS Lady Lampson in 1869. He ran an express business before moving to Cadboro Bay, where he farmed for 30 years. Joe died in 1929 at 89.
Cornelius Roskamp and Elsie (née Anderson) lived here in the early 1900s. Cornelius, a teamster, then a taxi driver, was born in Victoria to Dutch parents in 1880. Elsie was born in San Lorenzo, CA, in 1884. She came here in 1898 and married Cornelius in 1904. Elsie died of TB at 26 in 1910. Cornelius died in 1930 at 45.
1909-38: Peter Bradley and Clara (née Snell). Peter, born in Nottingham, ENG, came to Victoria c.1900 and was a miner, then a fisherman. He was a widower when he married Clara in 1911. He died in Sooke in 1917 at 64. Clara, born in London, ENG, came here shortly before her marriage. She lived at this house until her death at 66.
c.1945-50: Thomas Marr and Ellen (née Crimp). Scottish-born carpenter Thomas retired in 1952, died in 1956 at 71. Ellen moved to Coquitlam with family, and died in 1958 at 83.
• James Bay History
• James Bay Heritage Register
• This Old House, Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods,
Volume Two: James Bay