Heritage Register
528 St. Charles Street
(ex-424, 428 St. Charles St)
Belvedere Cottage; Olinda
Heritage-Designated including interiors 2003
For: William Thwaites Williams
Architect: H. Crawford Coates Jr.

This two-storey, side-gabled Gambrel-roofed house,
rare in Victoria, has an unusual front gambrel gable on its
symmetrical façade. The front gable has a semicircular
window above three six-light windows. There are two
shingled, shed-roofed dormers with shingled balconies
on either side of the front gable. Both balconies sit on the
verandah roof. The roofline of the verandah continues
around the sides as a belt course. The full-width verandah
has six heavy
Tuscan columns
and an almost-
balustrade. There
are stepped
balustrades on
either side of the
wide front stairs
which lead up
to the Colonial
Revival-style doorway with fanlight and sidelights. Two
full-height brick chimneys are located on the left and right
sides of the house. The house is clad in shingles.
In 1955 it changed from 428 to 528 St. Charles St.
1912-24: William Thwaites Williams (b.Leeds,
Yorkshire, ENG 1867-1931) and Jean Schoff MacKay
(née Orr, b. Battleford, SK 1886-1923) married in 1912
in Duncan. Billy was the son of Benjamin (1828-1884)
and Elizabeth Williams (1832-1892; she was the sister of
David Spencer, 1040 Moss St, Rockland). The Williams
came to Canada in 1872 and Victoria in 1880. From c.1882
to 1910 Benjamin and then Billy ran B. Williams & Co,
“Gents’ Furnishings” & “Clothiers, Hatters and General
Outfitters;” for several years they outfitted goldseekers for
the Klondike. Before St. Charles, Billy lived at 10 Bellot
St (now Burdett) with siblings Benjamin, a realtor, Mary,
a teacher, and Alice, a nurse: in 1912, Billy built 1377
Rockland Av for his sisters. By 1912 he was president of
City Land Co, and by 1917 was the manufacturer of NAG
paint, stain and varnish. He was a longtime member of
Victoria Golf Club, and of Arion Male Voice Choir.
Jean came to Victoria at the age of 19, studied
nursing at Royal Jubilee Hospital, and became head
operating nurse. After her death, Billy remarried in 1924,
to Hilda Edith L. Johnson (1877-1959), and moved to
1346 Harrison St. When he died, Billy’s pallbearers
were prominent Victoria businessmen: his cousins Chris
Spencer and John W. Spencer (1045 Joan Cr, Rockland),
and furniture retailer Frank J. Sehl, a fellow bass with the
Arion Choir.
1925-36: Laura Martin Fraser (née Clinton, b. San
Francisco 1873-1958), widow of Bank of Montreal
manager James Sutherland Chisholm Fraser (1863-1914,
1715 Rockland Av). The Frasers were married in New
Westminster in 1903 and moved from Rossland to Victoria
in 1912. When she died, Laura was living at Mount St.
Mary, 999 Burdett Av, Fairfield: the wall is Heritage-Designated.
1937-38: Hine and Helena Holstein-Rathlou,
and their offspring Emil, Hilda and Rudolph.
1939: Lt.
Cmdr. Maurice Adrian Wood, RCN (b. Duncan, BC
1898-1971), and his wife Mabel Richmond (née Cotton, b.
USA c.1903) married in Victoria in 1926. Maurice spent
30 years in the navy, retiring in 1946.
1940-44: Retired
CPR conductor William John Nelson (b. Toronto 1866-
1942) and Annie McDiarmid (née Hall, b. Louisville, KY
1947-49: Chartered accountant Cecil Warren
Nicholl (b. Belfast, IRL 1896-1959) and Marian (née
1950-51: Mrs. C. Stuart-Morgan.
Retired farmers Max Enke (b. Manchester, ENG 1884-
1971) and Marion (née Lejeune, b. Manchester, ENG
1879-1961) came to Canada in 1907, Victoria in 1913.
In the 1970s this was the Olinda Nursery School.
• Map of Victoria's Heritage Register Properties
• Rockland History
• Rockland Heritage Register
• This Old House, Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods,
Volume Three: Rockland, Burnside, Harris Green,
North Park & Oaklands