Heritage Register
1134 Dallas Road
For: William J. Dobson
Architect: H.J. Rous Cullin
Landscape Architect: William Westby

This house is a fine example of what was then called an “artistic house.” Designed in the British Arts & Crafts style, it is almost a literal quotation of the celebrated English architect C.F.A. Voysey’s small bungalow type. The steep pitched roof, splayed eaves, buttressed corners and rough cast walls complement the meticulous finishing details. Although the address is for Dallas Rd, the entrance is around the corner on Cambridge. The open porch is slightly offset and has steps to the front. It is now partially glazed. The high pitched roof has dormers to light a second floor, and the porch roof supports a balcony providing a view to the Olympics. Tapered square finials accentuate the height of the roofs. Recent changes have replaced some of the original multi-pane leaded casement windows with single-pane sashes. and the previous stucco has been re-coated. There is a small recessed corner porch at the northwest. Indications are that the house was originally shingled. There is a shingled double garage to the north side which retains its wide wooden doors with multi-pane windows above and v-joint panels below.
The original garden was designed by William Westby, who also laid out the sunken garden at Butchart Gardens and the gardens in the Crystal Pool when it opened in 1926. That landscaping has been obliterated and the vintage lattice fence has been replaced by a cast concrete design topped with iron railings.
City permits indicate this house was built for a W.M. Dobson, but the family of William J. Dobson lived here until 1916. William was born in Ottawa, ON, and had been living in Kamloops, where he was a hotelkeeper. He died in Victoria in 1910 at 51 years of age.
Son Algernon Richard Dobson lived with his mother Ellen and siblings. Algernon was a music teacher at University School at Mt. Tolmie from 1907-16. In 1916 he accepted an appointment as an organist in Vancouver, and his family moved with him. A short while later Algernon completed his flying corps training and was to be sent overseas with the RAF in 1918 when he died of pneumonia brought on by the Spanish Influenza.
Widow Alice Angus lived here in 1917. By 1921, William Alfred (1879-1942) and Mabel Irene (Hewitt, 1880-1963) Parrott bought the house. They did not live here continually, possibly because William was a commercial traveller. He was born in London, England, and came to Canada c.1902. In 1905 he married Toronto-native Mabel Hewitt. They appear to have left BC, but lived here sporadically in the 1920s.
Retired merchant John Tuffnell (1871-1953) owned the house in 1933-39. Born in Peterborough, England, John came to Canada c.1893 and lived in Indian Head, SK, for a time before coming to Victoria in 1923.
Retired couple Stewart A. and Edythe Carter lived here in 1941, followed by Dr. John P. Stenstrom and his wife Eleanor in 1943. William Ernest (1907-1957) and Florence (Clough) Drummond bought this house by 1946 and lived here for about the next 20 years. William was born in Regina, SK, and came to Victoria as a boy. He was a driver for Shell Oil in the 1940s. William was a member of the Pacific Club, Island Rangers and Victoria Short-Wave Radio Club. Florence remained in the house for at least several years after William died.
• Statement of Significance (Canadian Register of Historic Places)
• GIS Map of Victoria's Heritage Register Properties
• Fairfield History
• Fairfield Heritage Register
• This Old House, Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods,
Volume Four: Fairfield, Gonzales & Jubilee