Heritage Register
1002 Vancouver Street
Mount Edwards Apartment House
For: Mount Edwards Apartment House Syndicate
Architect: William D'Oyly Rochfort
Contractor: Eli Beam

This Edwardian Classical-style red brick apartment block has a central recessed entrance bay fronted by a brick porch supported by square rusticated columns and with plain square brick balusters. Above a sheet metal dentil course, the upper porch is now glazed by a modern metal framed sunroom enclosure. Sheet metal is also used for the very prominent main cornice which includes brackets. Many windows have been replaced with modern metal sashes, but the original glazing survives on the upper [3rd] floor. These are double-hung multi-panes over single-panes. The rustication of the porch columns is echoed through the entire third floor with quoining on the end bays and raised courses across the central recessed bay.
The facade treatment is repeated on the side facing the Cathedral School on Rockland. There is a more modern 2-storey addition across the back with underground parking.
Frederick Murray Reade (c.1849-1933) was born in Oxfordshire, England, and came to Victoria in 1900. In 1910 he and his wife Cecilia Marianne (Colman, 1858-1950) commissioned architect William D’Oyly Rochfort to design one of Victoria’s earliest apartment blocks. Mr and Mrs Reade lived in the building and managed it until Frederick died in 1933, and Cecilia continued managing the building until about 1941, which is probably when she sold the building.
Alterations made after Mrs Reade’s death increased the number of suites from 30 to 32 with an additional five light-housekeeping units.
The building was empty by 1980 with very slow alterations being carried out to convert it to a residential care facility. Local residents recognized the heritage value of the property and letters to council resulted in a heritage registration.
Mount Edwards Court Care Home is now owned and operated by the Baptist Housing Care Home Society.
• Fairfield History
• Fairfield Heritage Register
• Royal BC Museum Archives
• This Old House, Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods,
Volume Four: Fairfield, Gonzales & Jubilee