Heritage Register
1020-22 St. Charles Street
(ex-10 or 12 St Charles St)
1900; 1956
Heritage-Designated 2004
For: Sewell & Matilda Moody; Helen Hummell
Architect: John A. Di Castri (1956)

By comparing the c.1905 and present day photos, it
is evident that this 1½-storey Shingle-style / Arts & Crafts
house has undergone a major transformation. The original
façade has been altered by removing the
tower on the left front corner. The hipped roof has been
extended and altered to a front jerkin-headed gable. There
are now main floor, shed-roofed extensions on both sides, a
long shed-roofed dormer on the right, a hip-roofed dormer on
the left, and a large two-storey addition on the rear. The inset
entry porch on the right front corner now has a square arch, a
square shingled post and two small square pilasters replacing
a rounded arch and smaller chamfered posts. To the left is a
shallow box bay under the roofline. It has a brick foundation.
1900-17: Sewell Prescott Moody Jr (1874-1949)
was the son of timber baron Sewell Prescott Moody
Sr. [Born in Maine, Sewell Sr. came to BC in 1862 and
logged in New Westminster. In 1865 he bought a Burrard
Inlet sawmill on the North Shore, and established the community of Moodyville, which was renamed North
Vancouver in 1891. He drowned in 1875 when the SS
Pacific sank off Victoria on its way to San Francisco.]
In 1898 Sewell Jr married Susan “Matilda” Gooch
(1878-1952) of Port Discovery, WA. [His aunt Elizabeth
Bowron lived at 1418 Fernwood Rd.] In the early 1900s he
worked for Simon Leiser (1005 St. Charles St). By 1917
Sewell was in insurance, where he remained until retiring in
1947. Matilda was an active member of IODE. They lived
at 1030 Terrace Av, Rockland, in 1929-31. Matilda opened
their later home in Brentwood Bay to the Red Cross during
WWI and during WWII was a Red Cross convener.
1918-20: BCER tram conductor Herbert and Pauline
Middleton had lived at 740 Mary St, Vic West, in 1903-
1923-54: George Herbert Dawson (1866-1940) and
his sister Mary Fry Dawson (1864-1954) lived at 1162
Fort St, Fernwood, in 1909-16, then 1737 Rockland Av in 1917-18. Born in Quebec City, George came to BC in
1890 as a McGill-trained civil engineer. In Vancouver
he and his firm, Dawson & Elliot, were responsible for
laying out the townsite of North Vancouver, formerly
Moodyville. George came to Victoria in 1909 when he was
appointed BC’s Surveyor-General. He retired in 1917 and
lived at this house until his death. His sister Mary came to
Victoria in 1911 to live with her unmarried brother. She
died in this house in 1954.
1955-65: Howard and Grace Hummel lived here a
year, then the house was converted to duplex in 1956 for
Harold Victor Hummel (b. Leeds, ENG 1891-1963) and
Helen Imogen (née Warren) by architect John A. Di Castri
for $2,000. Harold, a chartered accountant with the BC
Government, retired in 1957 and lived at 1020 St Charles
until his death. David M.W. Hummel of Hummel &
Warren, Barristers & Solicitors, lived at 1020 in 1958.
The house is now part of a seniors’ care home.
• Map of Victoria's Heritage Register Properties
• Rockland History
• Rockland Heritage Register
• This Old House, Victoria's Heritage Neighbourhoods,
Volume Three: Rockland, Burnside, Harris Green,
North Park & Oaklands