Visit this page for the latest information concerning the Victoria Heritage Foundation and other events of interest regarding heritage preservation.

The Victoria Heritage Foundation
Do you have something to announce that our visitors might want to know about? If so, you are invited to contact our team. We will post any relevant information pertaining to Victoria’s heritage housing community. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for more updates.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer title: Members at Large for the Victoria Heritage Foundation (VHF) Board of Directors, the House Grants Committee, and the Education Committee. Status: Part-time; working remotely and...

Volume Two: James Bay - $29.95 Our third edition of This Old House 2, James Bay was produced in 2018 after three years and several thousand hours of collaboration by volunteers in research, writing,...

Anyone interested in learning more about Victoria’s housing is invited to get involved with our foundation. If you’re interested in what we do and would like to meet with like-minded individuals, you are welcome to attend any of the events listed below.

Upcoming Lecture
Information Coming Soon!

Walking Tours
What's better than getting some fresh air and discovering new insights about your community? Join others for a relaxing stroll as you learn the ins and outs of Victoria's most beautiful properties.

Tour Carr House
Emily Carr is one of the West Coast’s most revered artists and a Canadian icon. Her birthplace and childhood home remains a national historic site that’s available for guided tours.