This two-storey, multi-bracketed-hip-roofed Italianate house has a one-storey, hip-roofed, box bay on the left side. There is a shed-roofed entry porch on the left rear beyond the bay. A full-width, flat-topped, hipped roof on the front covers a bracketed, angled bay to the right of an open porch which has two turned posts with solid brackets. The eaves of the box bay and the front porch roof have paired brackets. On the left side of the house is a multi-paned stair window with coloured glass. The house is clad in drop siding but the upper portion of the front has been shingled over the original siding. There are two brick chimneys.
Owners: 1895-1906: The tax assessment for improvements was $600 in 1896 and $1,000 in 1897. The house was plumbed in 1898 by Jessie Hannah (née Gold, b. ENG 1863-1943), wife of labourer Henry Ware (c.1848-1928), who emigrated from England c.1870 and came to Victoria in the late 1880s.
1907-13: Alfred Schroeder (b. Chesley, ON c.1877-1969) and Marjorie Augusta “Gussie” (née Bell, b. Acton, ON 1878-1969) (1448 Grant St, Fernwood). Alfred came to Victoria in 1898, Gussie in 1901, the year they married. They lived in 403 Simcoe St, James Bay, from 1902-04, and Alfred operated a grocery store on the corner of Menzies and Michigan Sts. They left Victoria in 1903 on the steamer Princess May for Grand Forks, Yukon, where Alfred took over the Oak Hall clothing and miners’ supply store from his brother, Will. They returned here in 1906 and opened Square Deal Hardware at Fort and Douglas Sts, and Fernwood Hardware at 2007 Fernwood Rd. Alfred was later co-owner of Square Deal Old and New Furniture on Fort St until he retired in 1944. He was a founding member of Fairview United Church.
1912-13: Kenneth Cecil Bushell (b. Melbourne, QC 1882-1954) and Emily May (née Knight, b. Victoria 1882). Kenneth, a clerk for shoe merchant H.E. Munday (see 633 Elliot St, pg 236), married Emily in 1905. They left Victoria by 1917.
1914-15: carpenter Henry Blundell.
1917-c.1921: Louisa Mary Stiff (b. Niagara, ON c.1871-1929), a schoolteacher, came here in 1904 and later moved to East Sooke.
1924: BCCSS chief engineer William B. Alexander.
1925-26: widow Margaret Smith.
1927-28: carpenter Carl Knutsen Bolseth (b. Jolster, Norway 1882-1980) and Margaret (née Smith, c.1891-1930).
1929-30: farmer Angus K. Menzies.
1931-32: Edwin Harold Pendray (c.1895-1944) and Clarice Hilda (née Buckler, b. Derby, ENG 1903-1989) married in 1928. Edwin, a Vancouver Island Coachlines dispatcher, served with the 5th Regiment in the West Indies during WWI. He was a charter member of Tillicum Athletic Club and head coach of Victoria Rugby Club.
1935-38: Mrs. Margaret Hoey.
1939-57: Margaret Anne (née Huntley, b. Durham, ENG 1883-1960) Young, widow of James, came to Canada in 1906. Margaret came here in 1939, then moved to Port Alberni where she died.
• This Old House, Victoria’s Heritage Neighbourhoods,
Volume Two: James Bay
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