The siting, mass and steeply pitched gable roof give this Edwardian Vernacular Arts & Crafts house a strong sense of stability and permanence in an otherwise single-storey bungalow streetscape.

The simple symmetry of the original cross-gabled design is broken by a cantilevered box bay on the front, beside the recessed front porch (now filled in). A central chimney is heavily corbelled. The roof eaves are wide, and the two main floors are clad in double drop-siding, while shingles define the foundations and gable.


This house was built for Edward John (1877-1977) and Ella Isobel (Conklin, 1873-1955) Chambers, who never lived here, using it as revenue property, like several others they built in the neighbourhood. Edward was born in Ingersol, ON, and Ella in Paris, ON. They lived in Winnipeg before coming to BC in 1911. About 1914 the Chambers moved to the Penticton area and established an orchard. Edward was president of the Associated Growers of BC from 1924-58, except during WWII when he was in Ottawa as the administrator of the section of Wartime Prices for fruits and vegetables. He was a founding member of the BC Federation of Agriculture, and in 1967 received a Centennial Medallion. He married Bertha Newsom after Ella died in 1955.

The first known occupant of this house in 1914 was James D. Traynor, a farmer. John H. Bowden of the Quality Hat Shop lived here in 1917-18. During the early 1920s, farmer Alan H. Buchanan lived here. George M. Watt lived here in 1926.


John Alfred (1889-1960) and Winifred Marian (Gurney, 1889-1976) Whitehead were the first long-term residents, from 1929 until the mid-1930s. Born in Berkshire, England, John first served with the Merchant Navy and then came to Canada in 1910. After living on the Prairies for 10 years, he came to Victoria in 1920. John had a lengthy career in automobile sales. He first worked for Thomas Plimley, and eventually joined National Motors Ltd, which became Mayhew, Strutt and Williams Ltd, where he worked for 28 years as parts manager. He was a pioneer of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (1040 Moss St, Rockland), and served as treasurer for a number of years.

Cecil H. and Elizabeth Dash lived here in 1937. Cecil was a barber. Labourer Daniel Davidson lived here in 1939, followed by Bessie A. Davidson in 1941.

Major Robert (1879-1945) and Maud Mary (Norman, 1880-1964) Fullerton lived here in the early 1940s. Born in Newcastle, England, Robert came to Canada in 1892, and Maud was born in Cornwall, ON. They both joined the Salvation Army in the early 1900s and served for nearly 40 years. They married in Halifax, NS in 1912, and moved to the Prairies c.1920. By 1923 they were in Calgary, AB. They came to Victoria in 1930 and retired in 1940 and 1941, respectively.

Petty Officer John J. McGowan and his wife Jennie lived here c.1949-53.