The house was built around a smaller two room house that stood on the site. Local citizens saved this classic Queen Anne villa from demolition by adapting it as a community pub in 1986. Although the house has therefore been much extended and modified, the front façade is largely intact, with a handsome entry dominated by a 3-storey tower and a side-gabled extension on the West side. Brackets support the bellcast, pyramidal tower, which features segmental arched windows with vertical siding, and several other decorative elements. The front also includes leaded-glass transoms and a porch with turned columns. Other Queen Anne elements include decorative shingles and complex rooflines.
Ellbridge Jesse Christie (1857-1930) was a well-known carriage builder, born in Fredericton, NB, who came to BC in 1890. His wife was Alice Maud (Raynes, c.1871-1931), who was born in St. John, NB. Their daughter Maud Alice Christie remained in the house for about 10 years after they died. She was a nurse. The Christie family owned the property until 1948, when it was converted to apartments.
Ronald Leslie and Margery Nyblett were living here in 1943, followed by Miss Vera M. Hamilton in 1946. Mary Josephine Wollaston (1885-1965) lived here from 1949 until her death in 1965. She was born in Fairmont, MN, to Percy and Alice Mary (Harrison) Wollaston, who came to Victoria in 1892. She was a charter member of the original Christ Church Cathedral and was active in many of their guilds. She was also actively involved with the work at St. Mary’s Church in Oak Bay.
• Map of Victoria’s Heritage Register Properties
• This Old House, Victoria’s Heritage Neighbourhoods,
Volume Four: Fairfield, Gonzales & Jubilee
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